Thursday, March 7, 2019

sca-re-bul: Blogsite From A Fai-Cah Class

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'Blog-site From A Fai-Cah Class' by Minda Peyton

What Is A Blogsite?

When I first started writing online, I could not tell you what a blog was, yet I open'da my first blogsite with my poem: My Blo-Gah Is Not Green.
I could write about what my blog was not.
In general, a blog is a combination of two words: web + log = blog!
Blogs are similar tu / to websites because both are essentially electronic pages link'da, yet because of different style, and a few programming differences, blogs are generally not called websites, they are referred to as blogs, or a blogsite.
People believe blogs are easier tu / to start than building a website. Blogsites post new content at the top of the electronic page, newer essays and articles are posted on top.
Websites generally direct readers tu / to new e.pages for updates and information. New links are added to old websites, websites grow as new electronic pages are added.
  • Blogs and websites are essentially link'da electronic pages.
  • Blogs are considered web logs, with dated posts.
  • In general, blogs post new content at the top of the blogsite. Websites direct web readers tu new pages using web-links.
What do I blog about?
I blog about many different subjects dear tu my active mind.
I share my excerpt: 'BE ≠ [not Equal]  EB'
"I think from Meme to Em-zel
Am I maturing? Are my ideals developing? Are my writing skills improving? Is my Art works continuing to improve...look better?
Did my youthful "joven Art" impulse distract me towards trying 'tricks in Art'?
Has my Spanglesh improve'da?
Am I learning Latin roots, meaning am I learning the Latin roots of American-English words? American words and expressions?
Has contact with a personal computer and access tu / to online search engines (including Internet trends and fears) help'da bring some of my ideas and dreams intu the light?
Would I learn better around scribes and book collections? I recall the political nature associated with having a job. Book collections require book keepers, librarians...who will have a job? What race, what gender will receive 'favor' and employment?
I think about how to earn money, sell 'goods' and mis-sell 'goods'. I think about who our Internet is sold tu, or who 'our' Internet is selling.
Mis-selling personal services via. a Internet connection brings me back tu 'PU' [A segment of PUZZLE]."

Why do I have many blogs?
Basically, I have a lot of interest. There are several types of blogs, each blog built by a person willing tu / to exercise their freedom of expression. Some people start blogs that are similar to journals and scrapbooks. Many blogs have a 'journalistic quality,'  some blogs seem closer to info-blogs because of a high level of information content. There may be blogs that are really peer-review records. A few blogs are basic performance web logs.

What is a Fai-Cah Class?

A fai-cah [fake] class is a false class, a false class has poor lessons, or is a false classroom.

I recommend The Blogger Forum!

What Is Good? by Minda Peyton

What Is Good? by Minda Peyton

After several years online, I am willing to / tu hand'del the word 'good.'
Good and 'evil' are words that are hard tu define, partly because good is a state of being, never a noun. What is good can become 'bad' over time.

I will try tu define 'good' using adjectives and synonyms. Remember, synonyms are words that have similar meanings.
Good - beneficial, helpful, healthy.
          - morally upright, ethical.
          - unspoiled, desirable, not rotten.

Online, what do we consider good behavior?
Do we act in ways that help younger people?


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A Non-Profit Artist With A Free Blog-site.

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A Non-Profit Artist With A Free Blogsite

Q: What are non-profits?

A: Non-profits are not-for-profit organizations, groups or individuals.

Non-profits offer services to / tu groups.

Q: Should non-profits benefit from free website space?
I think sharing free, quality, information is a benefit because people benefit from sharing information of use and good ideas.

When specialized information is needed a good idea is tu / to use a search engine online, or tu conduct your research using resources from a large book collection. Visit a public library, this should help when specialized information is needed.

Sunday, February 24, 2019

Can Your Free Web Log Earn You Money?

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Can Your Free Web Log Earn You Money?

I wonder how many bloggers ask themselves this question: Can you earn "blog money?"

I wonder how web logging can help me earn money, or in the best-case-scenario, earn a annual income...?

In general, people can not earn money by talking on their phones. They don't generally earn money by recording performance notes in their web logs. Computer users, and people with mobile smartPhones, do not earn money by tweeting on their Twitter-sites.

Some people who work for companies may earn money by talking on a business phone as a 'company representative,' some people may indeed get paid for recording information about the performance of certain products in a 'web log' or 'product' log, and some famous people may earn extra money, or receive "perks," by sharing their tweets on Twitter.
I am not that-type-of-famous person, and I don't know if important and famous people, lai-ca our President, receive money when they tweet...I doubt this, yet I do think there are rational reasons for famous people tu share their tweets on Twitter. People post valid information on social news-sharing websites.

I have always consider'da my web log a Non-Profit. I ADMITTED THIS. People ask me questions lai-ca...can your free web-log earn you money? I write: No. I have a NON-PROFIT blogsite.

People online ask me how they can make money using their computers... I believe they can make extra money by selling their computers. They may sell personal items on Ebay, I conclude this by listening to people communicate via. videos on YouTube, TV commercials, and through helpful blogs.

Saturday, February 23, 2019


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I Don't Know. When I acted lai-ca a poet online during my youth (post-college...correction, during my YOUTH AS A ARTIST...I believe it takes longer to mature in the Arts...), I think my poetic attempts were reflections of my youth positive personality many years ago.

I wrote a poem about my Blo-Gah not being 'green.' In a similar manner, I'll lai-ca-ly write a haiku about a me-em, for now, I want tu share this anonymous poem, because I want tu / to share with readers online.

A Meme
A meme that does
and does not seem like a dream
seems lai-ca a me-em

Information: Memes / Me-Em-Sa are ideals, and behaviors, of a cultural or symbolic significance passed from person to person.

THE INTERNET IS A ME-EM. The Internet's computer users generate, or create, what are generally label'da INTERNET MEMES / ME-EM-SA because ideas, or behaviors, are passed from person tu person via. the Internet.