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I Don't Know. When I acted lai-ca a poet online during my youth (post-college...correction, during my YOUTH AS A ARTIST...I believe it takes longer to mature in the Arts...), I think my poetic attempts were reflections of my youth positive personality many years ago.
I wrote a poem about my Blo-Gah not being 'green.' In a similar manner, I'll lai-ca-ly write a haiku about a me-em, for now, I want tu share this anonymous poem, because I want tu / to share with readers online.
A Meme
A meme that does
and does not seem like a dream
seems lai-ca a me-em
Information: Memes / Me-Em-Sa are ideals, and behaviors, of a cultural or symbolic significance passed from person to person.
THE INTERNET IS A ME-EM. The Internet's computer users generate, or create, what are generally label'da INTERNET MEMES / ME-EM-SA because ideas, or behaviors, are passed from person tu person via. the Internet.
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